Our Mission

Inspire every person with the love for learning to thrive in the #NewFuture

Equipping our students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the rapidly evolving tech industry and make a meaningful impact on the world.

Why Coding?

Digital Skills for The #NewFuture

Teaches Computational Thinking

Coding helps develop computational thinking skills by teaching students how to approach complex problems systematically, break them down into smaller parts, and use logical reasoning to create solutions

Exercises Problem Solving Skills

Coding provides a new perspective to problem-solving

Fosters Creativity

Discover new ways to express your imagination

Opens Career Opportunities

Coding can take your career to new heights

Improves Academic Performance

Coding can help students develop a range of skills that can improve their academic performance in multiple subjects

  • Online Class Setup

    Live classes are held online via Zoom with a dedicated coach

  • Modular Learning

    Courses are designed to maintain a steady pace in learning topics

  • Peer Learning

    Students are encouraged to share their ideas and work collaboratively

  • Certificate of Completion

    Students receive feedback and recommendations after finishing a course

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TCS Coaches

Teach with us

Our Team

A community of 100+ trained coaches from top universities in the Philippines

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Trusted by Students from Hundreds of Schools

We have taught over 3,000 students from all over the world, taking us one step closer to our goal of helping the youth become creators of technology

Lifelong Learning

Ready for an accelerated experience? Learn essential digital skills right at the comfort of your own home.

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